News - 9 May 2023

Find out what's changing in Sevensedie

A logo tells the essence of a company, but its effectiveness in the real world requires continuous updating.
Sevensedie changes its logo and regenerates itself

It will probably have gone unnoticed by most of our customers who do not deal with administrative aspects that, at the end of last year, our company changed its name: from Sevensedie Reproductions Srl we moved to Sevensedie Srl.

This sort of "diet" on our name, which began 3 years ago with the logo, which since 2020 had already been deprived of Reproductions, actually represents a big step forward, capable, by itself, of making it much clearer to everyone what our future will be. What was the meaning of Reproductions in our recent history and what is the meaning of Sevensedie "private" of Reproductions?

The answer is simple.
Sevensedie DOES NOT reproduce its own furnishing accessories, Sevensedie thinks, designs, creates and produces new concepts in everything it does. Sometimes we are inspired by objects from the past, sometimes they are original objects. Furthermore, for about a year now, Sevensedie has embarked on a new path, in collaboration with important Italian designers, highlighting the name of the designer behind the product. To ratify and underline this new course of Sevensedie, clearing it from only the "classic" sphere, which we will continue to preside over, it was also necessary to evolve our logo, now dated about ten years, into a new graphic concept.

When we saw the proposals resulting from our briefing, we found ourselves faced with a very stimulating situation, which proved to have a lot of impact compared to a simple logo make-up job. And we are certain that we have not "dared too much".

The new Sevensedie logo is contemporary at the same time, simple but with character, a logo that looks above all to the future. Its soul is represented on one side by the dot, which paradoxically defines the beginning of a new course, and the payoff "Beyond Chairs", an extended concept of production of original furnishing accessories by Sevensedie.

Are you an Architect, a Retailer, or an Importer of Made in Italy furniture? Your business belongs to the Hospitality sector? If you are interested in our products, please contact us.

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